• 68845 Perez Road Suite H19, Cathedral City, CA 92234
  • 1-877-751-4357 or 760-296-3590

IFAK KIT - Active Shooter Pack



Equip your EMT's and medics with the equipment necessary to quickly triage and save lives in an "Active Shooter" or other mass casualty scenario with the Thomas EMS IFAK - Active Shooter Kit. This compact, compartmentalized pack includes an adjustable shoulder strap that can be worn across your body over turn-outs or swat gear if necessary. The Thomas EMS IFAK / Active Shooter Pack can be purchased with or without supplies.

Equip your EMT's and medics with the equipment necessary to quickly triage and save lives in an "Active Shooter" or other mass casualty scenario with the Thomas EMS IFAK - Active Shooter Kit. This compact, compartmentalized pack includes an adjustable shoulder strap that can be worn across your body over turn-outs or swat gear if necessary. The Thomas EMS IFAK / Active Shooter Pack can be purchased with or without supplies. Dimensions: 13" x 8" x 3.5"
